New Year is ringing just around the corner and many of us have taken out their books to chart yet another list of resolutions.

What would be a better promise to yourself than to start with an eternal ritual which not only guarantees good health but great skin as well?

Apart from hydrating yourself adequately, feeding oneself a healthy diet can do wonders for your health and skin!

What to feed your body?

  1. Dark chocolate - Research has shown that dark chocolate contains anti-aging antioxidants called flavonoids which fight free radicals to protect your skin from UV damage and prevent the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and skin discolorations.
  2. Walnuts - Walnuts contain nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E that help your skin stay smooth and plump. Walnuts also protect your hair from sun damage and keep it lustrous and shiny.
  3. Spinach - Spinach contains a triple dose of wrinkle-fighting antioxidants: vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene.
  4. Chia seeds & Flaxseeds & Pumpkin Seeds - These tiny seeds are packed with protein, fiber, and loads of omega-3 fatty acids -- all great for your skin and hair. The anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s can also maintain a healthy rate of skin cell renewal.
  5. Almonds - Almonds are rich in flavonoids and vitamin E, which is vital to skin health. They can help ward off damaging free radicals and even oxidative damage caused by smoking. Their manganese and selenium content helps keep your hair shiny.
  6. Avocados - Avocados are the ultimate "get gorgeous" food. Key for hair, skin, and nails, the monounsaturated fatty acids packed into these creamy treats not only help lower bad cholesterol levels, but also reduce the appearance of aging in skin because of its high antioxidant levels.
  7. Berries – They are loaded with anti-inflammatory agents and vitamins that help protect you from premature aging. Additionally, berries are packed with vitamin C, which keeps skin firm and strong but facilitating the production of collagen.
  8. Coconut - There's a reason why coconut oil is used for the hair pretty much all over the country! High in healthy fats, Vitamins E & K and minerals, coconut oil boots both grown and shine in your hair.
  9. Tomatoes - Being extremely high on antioxidants, tomatoes are forever popular for treating all kinds of skin issues especially damage thanks to the sun's UV rays.
  10. Kiwis - Along with antioxidants, kiwis also have tons of Vitamin C that helps in keeping your skin firm, fight wrinkles and remove pigmentation.


What to feed your skin?

Step 1: Remove Makeup

We’re firm believers that we should put as much care into removing makeup as we do into putting it on. Use a classic makeup remover, cleansing wipes, or cleansing oil. (Little known fact: Cleansing oils like jojoba, argan, almond dissolve impurities on the skin without drying it out, making them a great alternative for those with dry, sensitive skin, or aging skin.)

Step 2: Cleanse

Serums, night creams, and anti-aging treatments may be luxurious, but fancy formulas won’t work their magic if they aren’t applied on a clean canvas. Use something gentle and non-drying that strips off the moisture of the skin.
Exfoliate 1-2 times a week only and make sure you do not overuse chemical exfoliators.

Step 3: Apply Toner

It balances skin’s pH levels so your skin is in tip-top shape to absorb serums and moisturizers. Packed with reparative ingredients like fruit and flower extracts, toner helps restore skin after cleansing and provides the nourishment your complexion needs to look fresher (yes, please) throughout the day. Hydrosols have natural toning and brightening properties without any of the nasties and is alcohol free ( So yay no drying)

Step 4: Moisturize

Since serums are packed with powerful hero ingredients we want to apply them early in our routines so our skin can really soak up the good stuff. It’s important to pat serums into skin—rather than just slathering them on top—so they can penetrate and absorb. Oil based serums that will nourish you while giving you the benefits of the active ingredients are the perfect blend for this season!

Our face elixirs nourishing serums are packed with antioxidant rich pomegranate and hibiscus for moisturizing mature skin (Infinity), the antibacterial goodness of tea tree, turmeric and lemon in tandem with moisturizing Jojoba for acne-prone skin (Luminous), the glow-boosting Rosehip oil with saffron and others for a brightening &  moisturizing effect normal skin (Radiance), and enrinched with Green Tea and Holy Basil oil for moisturizing fatigued and dry skin (Revival).

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